Ruth Ministry

Ministry happens every day at United Church of Christ Fort Lauderdale, and especially through Ruth Ministry.
Every Thursday up to 150 people visit Ruth Ministry at United Church of Christ Fort Lauderdale and receive a delicious meal, clothing, shoes, toiletries, and even a to-go goodie bag. Organizations from throughout our community support Ruth Ministry by providing guidance regarding resources such as housing and health insurance. Thursdays begin with an optional church service in which now over 90 people attend. The most important part is that with over 8,000 meals per year, everyone is welcome and every meal is served with love and compassion.
Ruth Ministry happens because of community support.
Every Thursday, 20 to 30 volunteers donate their time and talents to serving others; yet Ruth Ministry is a 7-days-a-week operation of care and concern. Some of the volunteers are our church members but others come from throughout the community. People of different faiths, people who are searching to help others, people from all cultures and backgrounds make up our diverse community of volunteers. Everyone is welcome to come and volunteer.

Donations requested:
Financial donations to purchase food or bring non-perisible food items
Men’s underwear, socks, shorts, t-shirts, jeans and shoes
Women’s underwear, socks, shorts, t‑shirts jeans and shoes
Plastic grocery bags
Your invitation
Every Thursday at United Church of Christ Fort Lauderdale ministry happens! We invite you to come and witness and/or be a part of it. The Thursday Worship Service begins at 10:00 am. Many of the volunteers attend the worship service also. At 11:00 am the meal is served. Volunteers are needed Wednesday and Thursday. On Wednesday to prepare for Thursdays Ruth Ministry program. If you would like to volunteer, we ask that voluteers arrive at 9 am. The worship service starts at 10 am. At 11 am Elliott Hall is open for guest to receive clothing, personal items and lunch.
For further details on volunteering, please call the church office (954-563-4271) between 9am and 2pm Monday through Friday, or complete the online volunteer form and someone will contact you soon.
Here is how you are invited to participate:
Make a financial contribution (tax deductible) to support Ruth Ministry.
Come and Volunteer
Donate food, clothing, shoes plastic grocery bags and/or backpacks.
Pray for the volunteers, those who donate and our guests.
For further details on paticipation and or to volunteer, please call the church office (954-563-4271) between 9am and 2pm Monday through Friday.
Why is it called Ruth Ministry?

One Sunday morning over 20 years ago, Ruth Earn had been assigned to lock up the church after the regular Sunday morning social hour. All the congregants and visitors had left the building, Ruth locked the door and was walking to her car when she had an encounter with a stranger. The young lady was sitting on the ground leaning up against a tree and Ruth said hello to her. Ruth got to her car and felt God tapping her on the shoulder inviting her to “Go back!” Ruth did. Ruth asked the young woman if she was hungry and the reply was “Yes.” Ruth re-opened the church’s social hall and kitchen, but all she could find in the pantry was peanut butter and some bread. Ruth made her a peanut butter sandwich and gave her something to drink. The young lady was extremely grateful and moved on. This experience planted a seed within Ruth. The church began an outreach program for those who are hungry. Now, nearly 20 years later, over 8,000 meals a year are lovingly served. Clothing, food, toiletries and a sense of community are served every week. Recently, Fort Lauderdale Mayor Dean Trantalis visited the program and his response was that this is one of the most comprehensive programs in Fort Lauderdale which serves those in need.